Our school maintains an inclusive approach to education and we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all children. All children are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational need. (This may mean a specific learning, physical, behavioural and emotional, communication and language or health need). More able pupils, children who have English as an additional language and those eligible for the Pupil Premium are also recognised as having additional needs. There may also be stressful times such illness, bereavement and family breakdowns when families and children require support. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities.
We recognise that there are some pupils who may require additional resources or extra support at some time in their primary school life and we aim to cater for the needs of all pupils. Early identification of a child’s needs is made by close consultation with parents and of pre-school setting, or previous school settings, from school entry. Individual pupils are monitored through observations, assessments, pupil progress meetings and provision mapping.
Children and their families are at the centre of the work of schools. All schools put provision in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) taking in to account their individual needs.
The Mainstream Core Standards document explains what schools (this includes academies and free schools) must do to support children and young people with SEND so that they are included in all aspects of school life (or are as included as they wish to be), make progress and are happy in school.
Below is a link to a guide for parents and carers. It explains the purpose of the Mainstream Core Standards and provides a summary of the guidance given to schools by the Local Area (Education, Local Authority and Health) about how they can make sure that they are doing everything they can to meet the needs of their pupils with SEND.
The school has an Inclusion Manager and a Family and Community Manager whom offer support to parents/carers.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
The school has a policy for Special Educational Needs (SEN) and follows the Code of Practice. When appropriate, referrals are made to specialist learning services and medical services. Any referral to an outside agency is undertaken with parental consent.
The staff work in partnership with parents/carers and pupils and liaise with external agencies to build upon pupil’s strengths and develop the individual.
We promote equality of opportunity for disabled people: pupils, staff, parents, carers and other people who use the school.
We are committed to ensuring that disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum, school trips and take an active role in all extra-curricular activities. The school environment includes designated parking and step free access to the school building.
Please visit our 'Policies' page to view our Accessibility Plan, SEND Policy and our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report.
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
We celebrate the fact that some of our children speak more than one language. We carefully monitor and track the progress of pupils with EAL to ensure they are not disadvantaged and recognise that they may require additional support to acquire the same competence in English as in their home language(s). This support is provided in class through carefully scaffolded work and, where appropriate, through additional support and specific teaching.
Children who are learning English as an additional language have skills and knowledge about language similar to monolingual English-speaking children. Their ability to participate in the full curriculum may be in advance of their communicative skills in English.
At Cranbrook Church of Primary School teachers take action to help children who are learning English as an additional language by various means such as
- ensuring that vocabulary work covers the technical as well as the everyday meaning of key words, metaphors and idioms;
- displaying key vocabulary and using visual prompts
- using ‘Mantra Lingua’ resources and using technology to support learning.
- ensuring that there are effective opportunities for talking, and that talking is used to support writing;
- encouraging children to transfer their knowledge, skills and understanding of one language to another;
Children in Need (ChiN)/ Looked After Children
We provide a safe learning environment for our Looked after Pupils ensuring that their individual needs are met by maintaining good communication with those caring for the child, social services and support services. We commit to attending review meetings and ensuring the targets set on Personal Education Plans are integrated into school life.
More Able Pupils
We are committed to providing an environment which encourages all pupils, including more able pupils to pursue a high level of performance in academic and non-academic areas.
We aim to encourage pupils to be independent learners, provide challenging work at an appropriate level and provide opportunities for pupils to work with like-minded peers both within school and the wider community.
Provision for pupils is through quality first teaching and high challenge in the classroom, teacher expectation of pupil performance and additional learning in interventions.
Cranbrook Church of England Primary is an active school. This means we not only work closely with local primary schools but also with local secondary schools. There are constant opportunities for pupils to attend inter school competitions and workshops on a local level and even a national level for art and sport as well as academic subjects.