Home School Agreement
School Ethos
We recognise pupils as unique individuals with specific talents and needs. We offer our pupils a varied and engaging curriculum which is provided by a dedicated team of enthusiastic and hard-working teachers and support staff. The happiness and success of every child is central to our school’s work. Promoting high levels of achievement in all aspects of a child’s development is important to us, and is reflected in all we do.
We continuously work hard to develop what we do, and aspire to being a learning community that educates and nurtures young minds. We want our pupils to think independently, be resourceful, solve problems, and communicate well. A successful school relies on partnership and understanding with parents and the community that it serves.
Regular and Punctual Attendance
The school will make every effort to:
- Make contact with parents as soon as possible if a child is absent from school.
Parents agree to make every effort to:
Ensure that their child arrives at school between 8.30am and 8.45am
Contact the school as soon as possible if their child is absent
Ensure that their child is collected from school at 3pm for pupils in EYFS, 3.10pm for Years 1&2, 3.15pm for Years 3&4, 3.20pm for Years 5&6
unless prior arrangements have been made
The school will make every effort to:-
Provide your child with a high standard of education within a broad and balanced curriculum
Ensure that the learning environment is stimulating and challenging
Celebrate your child’s academic and personal achievements
Provide the necessary support your child needs to achieve their full potential
Care for your child’s safety and well-being by observing and listening to them
Teach your child to develop a positive attitude to one another regardless of age,
gender, race, religion or ethnic background
Meet with you regularly to communicate the progress of your child, celebrating
their strengths and explaining how we can support them in their areas of development
Provide information to you about our school, including relevant policies, via regular newsletters and the school website.
Parents agree to make every effort to:
Ensure that your child comes to school in named school uniform and that they have a PE kit in school from Monday to Friday
Let the school know of any concerns or worries that may be affecting your child’s learning or behaviour so that these can be resolved quickly
Attend meetings with your child’s teacher and other staff, aiming to positive and productive, working towards moving my child on in their learning
Work with the school to ensure that the high expectations of behaviour is maintained
Encourage a positive attitude towards your child’s education and the school
Read all the information which is sent home as this gives important details of
relevant policies, meetings, open days and special events.
Home Learning
- Provide reading books suitable for the child’s reading ability
Set differentiated Maths and English home learning which reinforces what has been taught in class
Parents agree to make every effort to:
Ensure that your child reads at least four times a week
Support the school by ensuring that home learning tasks are completed on time.