
At Cranbrook Primary School, children are encouraged to write for many purposes and audiences. They regularly compose stories, poems and descriptive passages; write letters, invitations and reports. The conventions of spelling, punctuation and grammar are taught systematically through their written work and specialised schemes. Written work is revised and redrafted, paying attention to meaning and clarity. Well-presented work is expected using a cursive style of handwriting. Please visit our handwriting page for more information. Children have opportunities within school to discuss, debate and relate events in order to become confident speakers and listeners.


In EYFS there is provision for indoor and outdoor writing opportunities. The children use their emergent phonic skills to move from mark making to initial sounds. In KS1 and KS2 the children learn through a series of lessons focusing on different genres. Independent writing takes place within each type of genre taught and children are encouraged to show what they have been taught. Children are encouraged to use the punctuation and grammar taught. 


Spellings are practised daily in school and sent home each week to practise at home in preparation for spelling tests on Friday. The National Curriculum spelling lists are below. Please visit class pages to download the spelling by phoneme spelling lists for Years 3-6. 


How we practise spellings