School Uniform


We request that all children wear school uniform in order to:

Enhance the feeling of community within our school.

  • Enable them to learn to be properly dressed for whatever activity they are to be engaged in.
  • Ensure that individuals do not feel isolated, alienated or different because of what they are wearing.

We maintain high standards at Cranbrook. Pupils should attend school wearing school uniform and appropriate shoes. 

Please name all property with an indelible marker or sewn / ironed in named tab – thank you.



  • Black, flat shoes (velcro, buckle or laced). Children must be able to fasten their own shoes.
  • Grey skirt or grey pinafore dress or grey trousers
  • White shirt
  • School tie
  • Cranbrook cardigan or v-neck jumper
  • White or grey socks or grey tights 
  • Coat
  • Waterproof boots / Wellingtons for outdoor wear in rainy or snowy weather
  • Water bottle


PE & Games kit 

  • School t-shirt with logo (to match house colour) 
  • Plimsolls or trainers (children must be able to fasten their own shoes)
  • Either a green sweatshirt with Cranbrook Primary Logo (sold at Phillips Man Shop) or a plain green or black sweatshirt (no hood)
  • Green or black plain shorts
  • Green or black plain tracksuit trousers for cold weather 


As winter uniform except:

  • A green and white checked dress can be worn. 
  • Trousers may be may be substituted with grey shorts.
  • A shirt may be substituted with a polo shirt. 

Permitted jewellery

  • Stud earrings (these must be removed for PE)
  • Watch (must not be a smart watch)


  • Long hair (shoulder length or longer) tied back with a small, plain green or black hair tie or headband.



School Logoed Uniform can be purchased from BRIGADE CLOTHING LIMITED. You can find a size chart online or you are able to visit the school office to try samples of the jumper on to get an idea of sizes. Please click on the below link to take you directly to the Cranbrook Primary School page on the website:

School logoed uniform items can be purchased from Phillips Man’s Shop (35 High St, Cranbrook TN17 3EE). Tel: 01580 713011 UNTIL THE END OF MARCH

Cranbrook Primary School (


Lost Property

A lost property bin is kept in school, and is put outside at drop off and collection times. Please do check this bin should you be missing any of your child's belongings. We will return any item where we can read the pupil’s name. Lost property will be kept for a short while, then unclaimed items will be given to charity.