Home Learning
At Cranbrook Church of England Primary School we have chosen to call Homework, Home Learning.
Home Learning is anything children do outside the normal school day that contributes to their learning, in response to guidance from the school. Home Learning encompasses a whole variety of activities instigated by teachers and parents/carers to support the children's learning. For example, parents or carers who spend time reading stories to their children before bedtime are helping with Home Learning.
Rationale for Home Learning
Home Learning is an important part of a child's education, and can add much to a child's development. We see homework as an important example of cooperation between teachers and parents/carers. One of the aims of our teaching is for children to develop as independent learners, and we believe that doing homework is one of the main ways in which children can acquire the skill of independent learning.
Home Learning plays a positive role in raising a child's level of attainment. However, we also acknowledge the important role of play and free time in a child's growth and development. While homework is important, it should not prevent children from taking part in the activities of various out-of-school clubs and of other organisations that play an important part in the lives of our pupils. We are well aware that children spend more time at home than at school, and we believe that they develop their interests and skills to the full only when parents/carers encourage them to make maximum use of the opportunities available outside school.
Aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of Home Learning are to:
- Enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development;
- Help pupils develop the skills of an independent learner;
- Promote cooperation between home and school in supporting each child's learning;
- Enable some aspects of the curriculum to be further explored independently;
- Provide educational experiences not possible in school;
- Consolidate and reinforce the learning done in school, and to allow children to practice skills taught in lessons;
- Help children develop good work habits for the future.
Types of Home Learning
At Cranbrook Primary School we expect children to complete the following as part of their home learning:
EYFS Pupils:
- Regular reading at home (at least 4 times a week)
- Daily phonics work (sent home in terms 1 and 2)
- Weekly home learning tasks (sent home in terms 3 to 6)
Year 1 to 6 Pupils:
- Regular reading at home (at least 4 times a week)
- Practising weekly spellings sent home (including use of Spelling Shed to support practice of spelling patterns)
- Practising times tables using TTRS (Numbots) and Maths Shed tasks online (login details are sent home in your child's home learning book)
Additionally, pupils are offered the opportunity to complete optional topic tasks throughout the term. These will be shared in class and celebrated through 'Home Learning Heroes' assemblies and on our Home Learning Wall of Fame in school.
Make a Difference
We also encourage children to think about how their actions can have a local or wider impact. Children will be given ideas as to what this might look like. This, along with class discussions should inspire them to become the 'agents of change' and to make a positive difference to the lives of others or environment. Children should be able to think freely about what they would like to do towards this - all actions will be celebrated in class as well as in whole-school worships at the end of term. Please share any updates or photographs with the school office.